12 June 2009

Passion for Business and Casall

We had a really successful event at the Stockholm casall store together with Passion for Business, a Swedish magazine dedicated to women in business. It is quite amazing that this magazine type of magazine exists and can be easily found throughout Sweden. Despite the thousands of magazines in the US, we do not have something similar to this that I know of. I only wish it was translated in English because I really think there is a void for this type of publication. Here is a picture of Carl-Axel Surtevall, the incredible founder and CEO of casall holding a pre-released issue of the magazine.

Here is a picture of Pingis Hadenius, an editor of Passion for Business (wearing our gorgeous casall Botanical tunic from AW 09, to be released in August) and her colleague Helene Thunander the marketing manager.

Pingis and I first met when she interviewed me for an article of this magazine (In the new Summer 09 issue to be release June 16th). The event was widely attended and focused on “An Evening of Wellness”. It was co-sponsored by Blueberry (a new health food retailer in Stockholm), Naked Juice and Face Stockholm (a very cool make-up brand that gave one-on-one makeup consultations throughout the evening).

We also invited my super fit and knowledgeable personal trainer Magnus to speak about health and fitness tips.

Thank you to everyone who attended the event! We did a poor job of taking pictures at the event but here’s a lovely picture of two of my new friends: Emilia de Poret (fabulous talented Countess of Pop and Pyret Maria Millqvist J:son Berg (owner and of Spoil Concept a luxury PR company in Sweden).

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  1. Hello Shauna!

    I have read about you in an article in the magazine Passion For Business. I am amazed about your career!! You have already 2 degrees from the university and you are only 26 years old.

    I read that it has been hard for you to find a track where you can run 14 km.

    In the west of Stockholm at Ursvik at subwaystation Hallonbergen you can run 15 km in a tough terrain. In springtime they have a cross-country race there. There is also a 2.5 km lap, 5 km and 10 km. It is in the forest and this is very common in Sweden to run cross-country like this. In Sweden we call it "motionsspår" or "motionsslinga" in english it is "fitness path".

    Here is the site for Ursvik

    Good Luck with your job and Best Regards from
    Lena Sundén, Rissne, Sundbyberg, Stockholm

  2. Hi Lena,
    Thank you for you sweet and encouraging note! I will certainly try the running suggestions soon.
    Casall is participating in a team relay race on september so I better start training! Also, send me an email at shauna.mei@casall.se so I can add you to our email list for special events, would love to meet you one day!

  3. I am wondering if we can cooperate with each other. I can take the advantage of my local government relations in Inner Mongolia. Have a nice day! I will be waiting for your mail to robin.shaobo@gmail.com

  4. Hi Shauna
    I am so looking forward to your launch in the US. Will it be this Spring? I have been wearing and selling Casall in the US regionally since 1996. It was my trunk show at equinox in 2006 where you first encountered Casall! I wish that I had met you sooner. I clearly picked the wrong partner to help launch Casall nationally. I am glad that Casall is in good hands now. Take Care and I will stay posted through your blogs. Say hello to Carl and Jenny for me. they are a wonderful and talented group
    Colleene Swolsky
